World of warcraft sylvanas
World of warcraft sylvanas

world of warcraft sylvanas

By the time Sylvanas contacted her, Helya had already begun working with the Jailer. Second, because Helya is seen working with the Jailer in Shadowlands, many people believe Sylvanas was the one who brought her to the Jailer’s side. To begin with, it seems that Sylvanas was not attempting to persuade Eyir to produce new Forsaken, but rather to send the souls gathered by her Val’kyr for Odyn to the Maw. There are a few unexpected twists and turns in this story. “It would have been great if that dreadful old wolf hadn’t gotten in the way.” Bargain in the Dark Her enraged expression left him speechless. I was told to use it to order the Val’kyr’s commander to transfer the Val’kyr’s great souls to Helya, who would then convert them to our cause.” Helya was hesitant to give it up, but I explained that it would benefit her just as much as her master. “Another one of the Jailer’s cronies is a titan-forged watcher? Friends from high-or should I say low-places “he said Helya was the ruler of a dark world-the domain of the dishonorable dead, doomed to a life of conflict and failure. “It’s nothing more or less than retrieving an antique from Helya herself,” says the narrator. Nathanos became all business all of a sudden. Sylvanas and Nathanos discuss Sylvanas’ actions in Stormheim in a scenario set immediately after the events of Secrets of the Shieldmaidens. Christie Golden’s latest book, World of Warcraft: Sylvanas, addresses some of these issues. Stormheim’s History from the Alliance’s Point of View Stormheim’s History from the Horde’s Point of View Most thought Sylvanas wanted to push the Val’kyr to produce more Forsaken during the time, and have since pondered about the nature of Sylvanas’ pact with Helya.

world of warcraft sylvanas

This Soulcage was subsequently seen by Sylvanas being used on Eyir, the leader of Odyn’s Val’kyr. Players saw Sylvanas Windrunner, the cursed Vrykul ruler of Helheim, reportedly strike a deal with Helya, the cursed Vrykul ruler of Helheim, in order to get the Soulcage – a magical lantern with the capacity to compel the soul of any creature – back in Legion’s Stormheim narrative.

World of warcraft sylvanas